
biggest little dog in the world

Monday, May 3, 2010

When did Hollywood become the influential voice?

So, let's think about this for a second. Since September, the "world" has been turned upside down because of a few entertainment - centered people. The death of the Prince of Pop. Tiger Woods' "surprising" behavior. The death of Jon and Kate Plus Eight, and the following b.s. that was the media frenzy following their not-so-surprising announcement. Ricky Martin is gay? And the cavalcade of men who were discovered to be cheating on their famous spouses. Ummm - did you guys really think you were going to get away with it? EVERYONE knows who you are - and who your wife is. Butthead.

However, we did learn something (if we were actually paying attention). Celebrities CAN keep secrets IF THEY REALLY WANT TO. Look at Sandra Bullock. Four years after starting the adoption process, she has a baby. AND NO ONE KNEW. How'd she do that?

Jon and Kate. Get REAL jobs, move to Europe, and leave the intelligent people alone. No one cares. We just want to watch you fail. Big time. Kate, the only reason Dancing's ratings were so high was that we all wanted to watch you fall on your ass and get booted off. Not that I watch it. That's the time of the evening I allow my hubby to watch ESPN. I do watch Castle, though, which is on right after. P.S. Fire whoever told you to wear what you wore on that show. Horrible.

Tiger Woods - why the hell were you people surprised? The guy has been worshiped since he arrived on the damn golf circuit - he was going to become a little power-crazy. You tell a guy he's perfect, and he can do no wrong, and he believes you and does what he wants and you get upset? Good for his wife for attacking him with his own golf clubs. Rock on, sister! (and remember, don't get mad - GET EVERYTHING!)

Michael Jackson - okay, so his personal life was seriously screwed up. Was he a dirty old man? I don't know. Was he an influential part of my life? Hell, yes. I was born in 1980, so his music had been with me since I was born. Was I a superfreak fanatic? Not really. But when Billy Jean, or Beat It ends up on my Pandora playlist, I turn up the volume and dance with my kids. You almost have to. He was an artist, and deserves to be missed.

A few quick thoughts. Oprah is not a deity - make your own opinions on things people. Martha Stewart does not come up with 100% of what is in her magazines/books/television shows. She owns people. A lot of people. I'm not saying she's Satan - but she's got to be up there. If it's on a fictional television show - IT'S NOT REAL. stop threatening people because you don't like what's on t.v. TURN IT OFF, MORON. Steroids and sports -I don't care. I suffer with ESPN because I love my husband and he needs his tv time too. Without Buffy, there really is much to watch these days.

Oh, and you networks execs - STOP CANCELLING MY SHOWS!!!

This is all. Carry on.

Oh, and you stupid network execs - STOP CANCELLING MY SHOWS!