
biggest little dog in the world

Friday, November 4, 2011


So, I've recently participated in several craft swaps on the amazing Craftster.org website. I've tried to branch out in my crafting abilities, and have learned several new things.

First of all, I've started to hoopla! Now, for those of you who don't know what hoopla! is, here it is in a pinch: using an embroidery hoop to create a piece of art for yourself or another. That is all.

The "I will cut you" hoop is what I made for craftster member Britters25, and was taken pretty much straight off her wists. I got many compliments from people who saw this as a WIP, and am pretty proud of it. The other two were also inspired from my partners' wists and were a blast to make. I'm particularly proud of the button tree, as it's bright, cheerful and one of a kind!

I hope to showcase some more fabulous Hoopla! in the future.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hey, guess what!!!

I apparently have a blog! I've been really really lazy, what with having an extremely more-than-full-time job (gotta love the theatre), three kids and a hubby, so um, yeah. I neglected my little piece o' the 'webz.

A lot of time has passed - the last time i "posted" was to enter a contest and just said "check out this site." I won the contest and yes, those soaps were amazing. the strawberry+cream was yummy, but i think i like her tequila sour best. You should check her out!

My time with the Civic is done, so now I contemplate what happens next. First - get a job. Working on that, check. Second, get a life - nope, don't need one. I can live vicariously through my television shows/movies/books. Which is pretty much what I've done since puberty, when my siblings went nutz and my parents divorced. Sandy kinda got royally screwed in that deal. I think I was the only child to not end up on drugs - prescription or illegal, take your pic.

I'm hoping to go to school and get my teaching certificate. Then I'll have a real job, and be able to warp other peoples' kids like I'm warping my own. A steady paycheck, the opportunity to know when and where I will be for the entire year, leading to a real house, and stuff for the kids when they ask. Do you know how it kills a mother to tell a four year old that "we don't have the money for that?" when all she's asking for is a candy bar? I hate it.

well, I think I'm done rambling. I hope to have a point for this sucker soon, and maybe be more committed to doing such things. who knows?