
biggest little dog in the world

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hey, guess what!!!

I apparently have a blog! I've been really really lazy, what with having an extremely more-than-full-time job (gotta love the theatre), three kids and a hubby, so um, yeah. I neglected my little piece o' the 'webz.

A lot of time has passed - the last time i "posted" was to enter a contest and just said "check out this site." I won the contest and yes, those soaps were amazing. the strawberry+cream was yummy, but i think i like her tequila sour best. You should check her out!

My time with the Civic is done, so now I contemplate what happens next. First - get a job. Working on that, check. Second, get a life - nope, don't need one. I can live vicariously through my television shows/movies/books. Which is pretty much what I've done since puberty, when my siblings went nutz and my parents divorced. Sandy kinda got royally screwed in that deal. I think I was the only child to not end up on drugs - prescription or illegal, take your pic.

I'm hoping to go to school and get my teaching certificate. Then I'll have a real job, and be able to warp other peoples' kids like I'm warping my own. A steady paycheck, the opportunity to know when and where I will be for the entire year, leading to a real house, and stuff for the kids when they ask. Do you know how it kills a mother to tell a four year old that "we don't have the money for that?" when all she's asking for is a candy bar? I hate it.

well, I think I'm done rambling. I hope to have a point for this sucker soon, and maybe be more committed to doing such things. who knows?

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